The MP presses for Heat coupling and Heat printing are manually operated, pressure is developed manually by the operator. They are ideal for use in the textile manufacture field and in many other secotrs thanks to their high versatility. In view of obtaining a simple, sturdy, highly reliable, user-friendly line we have designed and conceived our MANUAL PRESSES of the STAR PROFESSIONAL line making the most of the distinguishing features of our other lines which stand out as hallmarks for the whole market.
The steel structure is machined within our factory on the base of advanced technological processes and all moving components run on bearings, self-lubrificating bushings and ground pins so as to assure long life to all parts that are subject to wear.
Thus assuring a product with a top quality structure.
The operating pressure may be adjusted using TWO regulating systems, one system has three pressures settings (MINIMUM - MEDIUM - MAXIMUM) and another system that allows a further millimeter precision adjustement ensuring a very wide operating range and uniformity over time.
The lower plate featurs from 6 to 10 springs according to the model which, when compressed at the same time by approx. 8mm exert a thrust from 1000 to 1600 kg over the entire surface area, and are positioned so as to ensure the thrust is distribuited evenly over the whole plate.
These springs also act as compesation springs since, thanks to a special fastening system, they enable the lower plate to match perfectly with the upper one. The heating surface is designed and machined with a view to safety and uniform heat conditions.
Another important feature of this press is its instrumetation. the control panel includes thermostat and timer, both electronically controlled so as to assure absolute accuracy of the two parameters which are considered as crucial in the heat coupling process: temperature and time.
This line has been conceived to meet the requirements and expectations of small and medium-sized companies, whose attention is focused on SAFETY, USER FRIENDLY OPERATIONS AND RELIABILITY.